Antoine Contal, Google

Antoine Contal, Google

Google’s secrets for removing waste from the World Biography: Antoine’s lifelong mission is to delight customers and end users. He honed this skill through diverse experiences, ranging from startup software engineer to digital product manager. As a Lean Coach, he helped IT departments and IT vendors to empower their teams and create more value. As a Google Solutions Engineer, he explores and shares technological innovations for Google’s largest customers. Google's secrets for removing waste from the world by Antoine Contal from Institut Lean...
Mariya Breyter, Dun & Bradstreet

Mariya Breyter, Dun & Bradstreet

Have you had complex organizational impediments that everyone is aware of and the company tried to resolve for several years but nothing was achieved? At Dun & Bradstreet, we decided to take a fresh look at some of these problems and ask five “why’s” to get to the root cause and once we did, we invented a new Lean IT framework, which we call Lean Pilots. I am going to share how we came up with this idea, how it got modified through multiple iterations, what the challenges were along the way, and what is the business benefit of this approach. I will review three...
Jean-Rémi Beaudoin, Theodo

Jean-Rémi Beaudoin, Theodo

Interactive workshop: Lean problem solving to the rescue of a Scrum team During this workshop you will discover tricks to implement and pitfalls to avoid in order to help your Scrum teams solve their problems every day. Biography: Jean-Rémi has been working and solving problems everyday at Theodo for the past three years as a developer. Theodo builds web and mobile applications using the Scrum methodology and following Lean principles. Before joining Theodo, he has worked as a project manager at Renault’s innovation department and at UZIK, a luxury-oriented...
Dimitri Baeli,

Dimitri Baeli,

Kanban as code – The Continuous Delivery at The devteam at LesFurets digested Kanban at code level to switch from delivering a batch of 100 features in a month, to delivering daily releases of 1-5 features. We’ll share the learnings and take-aways of a crazy code management strategy which turned out to be a great way of working with many good surprises, and opened the Team to Lean practices.   Biography: Dimitri Baeli is the new CTO at after 4 years of continuous improvement within the software development team where is...
Nicolas Volck, AG2R La Mondiale

Nicolas Volck, AG2R La Mondiale

Managing a complex digital project with obeya Here is a unique opportunity to visit a real-life obeya! In 2014, Nicolas, improvement leader with AG2R LA MONDIALE, a large mutual insurance group, proposed the obeya approach to improve project management in the company through team collaboration. He launched the pilot project with Isabelle, project director, who has accepted to share her own obeya with you. Nicolas will act as a manager visiting Isabelle’s obeya. Isabelle has been managing a highly critical project for her company for the past few months: automating...
Pierre Pezziardi, French government incubator

Pierre Pezziardi, French government incu...

Successful Lean startups inside large national administrations: the French government recipe Since June 2013, Pierre has been mentoring more than 10 state startup teams inside the French administrations. Solving real world issues, they impact public procurement (Marchés Publics Simplifiés), social aids (, big data ressources ( or even taxis. Discover how Lean startup techniques can fit in such large organizations, and learn how our Government incubator manifesto can help you replicate a radical innovation factory inside your own...