A company’s hoshin kanri journey: radical business transformation from traditional application services to disruptive innovation

A company’s hoshin kanri journey: ...

At the European Lean IT Summit 2012, Cesar Gon CEO of Ci&T, explained how he discovered Lean Thinking and started transforming his company’s culture. This year, Leonardo Mattiazzi, Ci&T Head of Europe and ASPAC operations, will focus on the innovation perspective of the lean journey: the difficulty of creating something truly innovative (disruptive) in a “business as usual” environment, the shortcomings they noticed in their planning process (hoshin kanri) relative to innovation using the concepts of “Lean Startup” – and its...
The Toyota Way – Information systems delivering value to the business

The Toyota Way – Information syste...

Håkan describes Toyota Industries Business Practices (TIBP) applied to the IS function of Toyota Material Handling Europe. Showing how the Toyota values are applied in the IS operating model. Giving concrete example of how the Toyota I_Site software and blackbox solution were launched in the global market place using TIBP during the various phases of the development and deployment. IS delivering value to the business by Hakan Borglund Toyota MHE from Institut Lean France...
Lean implementation and management commitment: how enthusiasm has to be nurtured

Lean implementation and management commi...

Throughout the implementation of Lean in a corporate structure the enthusiasm and drive of the individual co-workers are key. This is a resource that can be either harnessed and channeled, or squandered and lost. One of the key factors that determine how this enthusiasm is made effective, or if it is lost entirely, is management commitment to the implementation and to the Lean mindset. Here we will explore management commitment, not from a cost-benefit perspective, but from the individual success-perspective.
The power of lean thinking in a developing world

The power of lean thinking in a developi...

What can we learn from technology advances in developing economies? A 2010 United Nations study found that cell phones are one of the most effective advancements in history to lift people out of poverty. Inexpensive cellular networks help remote villagers make informed and skillful decisions on when and where to bring their products to market, and for how much. While only 4% of households in Africa have Internet access, and few have bank accounts, more than 50% have cell phones — so the cell phone becomes the channel for communication, collaboration, commerce, and...
Lean & Agile digital content

Lean & Agile digital content

Early in 2013, we realised that we needed to change the way we manage operations and projects. Whilst the team was delivering, we knew that we’d be challenged to do more with less. Also, as the team had grown, colleagues no longer knew what each other was working on, leading to difficulty in coordination, morale and managing customer expectations. Starting with the team in Berlin, we are using a mixture of classic lean philosophy, lean startup and agile methodology to plan, deliver, evaluate and communicate our work. We are just a few months in and, although there is...
Rasmus Strand, Fujitsu Sweden

Rasmus Strand, Fujitsu Sweden

Rasmus is a Fujitsu Lean Academy Gold-level accredited Lean Implementer working with Fujitsu Sweden. He has worked with several large implementation projects with Fujitsu Sweden, helping to foster the idea of continuous improvement with the corporate structure.