This is the true story of a software creation team who wanted to double its productivity. See how a PDCA-like approach led them to implement the Dojo and Mob programming practices, what did work and what needed to be improved.
Bernard show how the practices relate to the TWI concepts described in “Toyota Talent” and how this leads to a “Training Within Software” practice, adapted to highly creative activities performed by software creators.
This session should generate new ideas for agile teams who want to improve their skills and efficiency through a standardized way of sharing knowledge amongst team members.
Bernard Notarianni is a software creator and agile coach. He has 25 years of experience in enterprise software creation. He practices agile (Scrum & XP) and has been coaching teams for 10 years in both corporate (Socgen, Orange, M6, TF1…) and startup (Virtuoz, One2Team…) environments.
Bernard is the co-creator of two leading events for advanced agile practitioners and software craftsmen:
– The annual “Agile Open France” event in Itterswiller
– The monthly eXtreme Programmers Paris meetup.