Service Desk – VOC: the heart of Lean in IT using Oobeya to lead change
OobeyaIT – APTiTUDE at the Service Desk
How did a Service Desk help lead the change of culture and improvement within a financial services organisation?
The problem: IT management had changed from a service to project culture so CREATE side did not talk to the run side until to late. So the Service Desk was repeatedly solving things, performing unneeded tasks, had poor KPIs and tools, and higher costs.
One year later and we were the Face-of-IT with measurable days saved in tasks, 80% satisfaction improvement, accelerated request fulfilment, happier staff and gave more budget to enable cloud development and infrastructure projects.
We created a place of work and communication: an Oobeya and used Lean to guide improved service based on our ITIL tools and processes. Our programme name was APTiTUdE: Alert, Priority, Test, Tell Value
ITIL/COBIT and Lean have PDCA at their core; therefore how we worked, what we did, how we knew, and what happened next followed this cycle. Waste removal, A3, service catalogue, kaizen were linked to VOC, KPIs and a new feature VoIT (Voice of IT).